来源://syysyhb.com/ 发布时间:2019-05-09
我国为了减轻铝板分量,添加铝板强度,咱们选用铝合金板,常选用21号防锈铝代号LF21压成的铝板作幕墙铝板。铝板厚度由本来3mm削减为2.5mm ,该合金强度比纯铝板高出一倍左右。918btt公司主要经营合金铝板、铝花纹板等,加强筋用LF21铝带,铝带的宽度厚度依据铝板板面而定,通常厚2-2.5mm,宽10-25mm。铝板幕墙的铝板反面为什么要安加强筋,是在外界正负压力的情况下,铝板一不会洼陷,二不会鼓出 ,这样就避免了铝板幕墙重复里外振荡而宣布的振荡声响。若是需要隔音保温,可在铝板内侧,安放岩棉、矿渣棉或发泡处置
In order to reduce the strength of aluminum plate and add aluminum plate strength, we choose aluminum alloy plate, and 21 aluminum alloy LF21 is used as curtain wall aluminum plate. The thickness of the aluminum plate is reduced from original 3mm to 2.5mm, and the strength of the alloy is about twice as high as that of the pure aluminum sheet. Our company mainly deals with aluminum plate, aluminum strip and so on. The reinforcement is LF21 aluminum strip. The width of aluminum strip is determined by the thickness of aluminum plate. It is usually thick 2-2.5mm and wide 10-25mm. Aluminum plate curtain wall on the reverse side of the back of the strong reinforcement, is in the external and negative pressure conditions, the aluminum plate will not sag, two will not be drums, so that the aluminum plate curtain wall to avoid repeated oscillation and the oscillation sound announced. If sound insulation is needed, the rock wool, slag wool or foam disposal can be placed inside the aluminum sheet.
At present, in some countries, the construction industry has become one of the three major aluminum users (container packaging, construction, transportation), which accounts for more than 20% of the total consumption of aluminum in the world. In recent years, the construction industry in China has developed rapidly, and the proportion of aluminum structure in the building is increasing. The building structure is mainly used for the light frame of the building, the enclosure structure, the skeleton, the door, the window of the roof and the wall, as well as the decoration and function of the roof, the face and the sun shading board. Scaffolding, pedals and cement preform templates for building factories are often used for aluminum and aluminum alloys in order to reduce weight. Removable, mobile temporary buildings and facilities are more popular with aluminum alloys.
Aluminum sheet batch: the plate of the same type and different batch may exist color difference. The procedure of comparing the color difference should be increased when the different batch plates are sold and used. Our company mainly deals with aluminum alloy plate, aluminum plank and so on, and can be used in the same plane when there is no visual color difference.