来源://syysyhb.com/ 发布时间:2025-10-26
Everyone knows that the density of aluminum is 2.7, which is commonly referred to as AL in chemistry. It is a common metal element. So, what is the density of our aluminum plate? Actually, aluminum plate htp://www.mlwe.com/ The density of aluminum plates is relatively close to 2.7, after all, the main content of aluminum plates is still aluminum, although iron, manganese, copper, brick, zinc, and magnesium alloys also have content, most of which do not exceed 5%. At the same time, due to the different alloy contents, the density of aluminum plates in different material series is also the same. Today, we will briefly talk about several common aluminum plate densities.
1 series aluminum plate belongs to pure aluminum close to 2.7, with an aluminum content of over 99%. Therefore, the default density of 1 series molybdenum plate is 2.71, with an increase of 0.01 in iron content. Generally, 1 series aluminum plate is close to 2.7
The 3 series aluminum plate is made of aluminum manganese alloy, containing more than 1% manganese alloy element. Due to the high density of manganese alloy, the density and specific gravity of 3003 are 2.73
5052 aluminum plate and 6061 aluminum plate are made of aluminum magnesium alloy. Magnesium alloy has a light specific gravity, and in general, the default weight is calculated based on 2.68 for specific gravity and density. Of course, these are theoretical weights and are only for reference, so the error is generally not too large.
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